reducing reoffending

At Unlock Drama, we recognise the profound impact that innovative rehabilitation projects can have on reducing reoffending rates. Our theatre-based programs are meticulously crafted to confront and transform offender behaviour by directly addressing the underlying triggers and consequences of criminal actions.

Our approach is multifaceted:

Issue-Based Exploration

We tackle critical themes related to offending, from the initial triggers to the broader societal impact.

Victim Awareness

By incorporating restorative practices, participants gain a deeper understanding of the effects their actions have on victims.

Consequential Thinking

Through role-play and revisiting scenes, we guide offenders to consider alternative decision-making pathways that lead to positive outcomes.

Understanding the "why" behind behaviours is pivotal. It's about breaking cycles of crime by fostering empathy, self-awareness, and responsibility. With each project, we aim to illuminate a path away from past mistakes and towards a future of constructive choices.

The stakes are high. Reoffending costs taxpayers up to £18 billion annually and accounts for 80% of all crime, creating countless victims. By engaging with Unlock Drama, offenders are given the tools to rewrite their narratives and embrace change, reducing the chance of reoffending and alleviating the burden on society.

Our commitment is unwavering: to deliver impactful rehabilitation that resonates beyond the prison walls, creating ripples of positive change throughout our communities.

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